Chris Alexander

Chris Alexander
Emmy Award-winning, Business-building Strategist, Best-selling Author and Professional Speaker


Thursday, February 11, 2010

20 Ways to Have Fun at Work

Fun is Serious Business!

The latest studies have shown that employees who have fun at work, have higher productivity, less absenteeism, better teamwork and customer service ratings. It makes people care for one another because it allows people to laugh and be vulnerable and enriches life at work. Fun means choosing to make work enjoyable and looking for positive ways to build trust in all working relationships. . . and by the way, it's never silly or a waste of time.
  • 1. Make the choice to have fun.
  • 2. Bring humor to work. "Humor is the great connector."
  • 3. Make enthusiasm and play "fun-damental" to your culture.
  • 4. Have a secret gift giving day.
  • 5. Have dress up theme lunches: Mexican, Hawaiian, etc.
  • 6. Have a movie night in the summer at someone's home.
  • 7. Have a "golden rule" day once a month.
  • 8. Have a "bring your best recipe" fun competition.
  • 9. Form teams to improve health and fitness.
  • 10. Have job rotation days.
  • 11. List 10 humorous individual likes/dislikes and circulate.
  • 12. Schedule a co-worker appreciation day.
  • 13. Have friendly sports matches with customers.
  • 14. Attend sporting events together.
  • 15. Have a talent competition amongst team members.
  • 16. Hire an Elvis impersonator.
  • 17. Have an alter ego day.
  • 18. Have a summer "bring-your-favorite-ice-cream" day.
  • 19. Have a next best marketing idea competition.
  • 20. Arrange picnics, BBQ's and summer concerts.